Not long after Craig arrived in New York, Craig's Aunty Suprana flew into town from England. Soon, they were in the backyard kicking a football. Behind them in this picture, you can see the back deck where Craig and his Mum sunned themselves previously. You can also see Uncle Amitha and Aunty Bess's swimming pool in the middle of the yard.
Craig kicks a ball pretty well and looks like a star of the future. Craig's Mum hopes he can be as good as Cristiano Ronaldo at football without being quite so popular with the ladies. While kicking the ball Craig was happy to use Aunty Suprana as an opponent and sometimes kicked the ball away from her.
The next day, Craig and his Mum were kicking the ball in the front yard. The view from the front yard gives you a good idea of the size and shape of Aunty Bess's house. It really feels like a place to have a holiday .... if you come from Taiwan.
Craig kept kicking the ball into the neighbor's yard and Craig's Mum had to keep running over there to get it back. Craig thought that was a great game.
After playing for a while, Craig suddenly remembered that when he was playing with Aunty Suprana he had gone back into the house through the back door. From that moment on, any time Craig went out into the yard he would insist on running around to the back of the house, climbing the stairs to the deck and entering the house from there. He would not go through the front door. He could play this game for a very long time and competely lost interest in kicking the ball.
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