Monday Sept. 14 was Craig's Mum's birthday and on Tuesday Craig's Aunty Suprana had to fly back to England. So, on Sunday night Aunty Bess cooked a Black Forest Cake.

After lunch on Monday, Aunty Bess brought the cake out of the fridge and everyone sang Happy Birthday. As soon as he saw there was cake to eat, Craig was very happy and couldn't wait to wrap his lips around some cake.

While they were cutting up the cake everyone tried to choose the smallest piece because they were afraid of getting fat but after they had taken a mouthful they were all going back for more. Naturally, Craig ate more cake than anyone else because everyone fed some of their cake to him.

Of course, after cutting up the cake, coffee and tea was prepared so that everyone could go and sit in the best place to enjoy cake, in the sun on the back deck.

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