Craig's Cousin Ishan turned one month old on Friday Sept. 18. Apart from one trip out to eat pizza the postnatal care team had eaten Chinese food at home for almost every other meal. Craig's Mum suggested a hamburger meal to celebrate. At first, Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor both objected on the grounds that McDonalds hamburgers can be found all over Taiwan. Craig's Mum explained that it was not the less-than-delicious McDonalds burgers that she was suggesting and that it would be a shame to go all the way to the US without trying some of the local cuisine. That convinced the two older ladies to give their kitchen skills a rest for one evening.

Craig's Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha suggested a steak and hamburger place called Red Robin.

Craig sat and did his usual graffitti style drawing while waiting for his favourite food, chips (French fries to our North American friends.)

Chips really are Craig's favourite food at the moment and on this night he ate them one after another very happily.

In fact Craig was so happy eating his chips that he didn't seem to care what was happening around him. Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor who were sitting opposite gave plenty of compliments about their fishburger and chips.

Craig's Cousin Ishan was also there even if he was a bit too small to enjoy the high cuisine on offer. He was as quiet as he normally is whenever taken out and slept peacefully in his pram.

I want to eat hamburger with you guys too.
Ummm, errr, ahh.... since I wasn't there, I'll have to refer that comment to Craig's Mum. ;>
Shall we all fly back to Albany again?
Craig's Mum.
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