Sunday, February 22, 2009

FTV Lunch and Dinner with Family

Craig went to lunch with Craig's Dad and his colleagues from work on Friday (Feb 20). When he first arrived Craig was bit shy and wouldn't talk to Craig's Dad's co-worker Grace.

But some food made him feel better and eventually he became friendlier. He allowed Grace to take him for a walk, which was something of a first. Then, just before it was time to leave, he allowed Craig's Dad's Boss Jinny to pick him up! He immediately began the forehead-to-forehead pushing game beloved of some little boys.

Craig then did a great job of turning his head at the last second to spoil the photo when Grace and Jinny had lined up and smiled nicely!

Craig was more cooperative the second time. Perhaps because Grace was holding his head still.

Craig's Dad had to go to work in the afternoon but Craig and his Mum had dinner with a large group of relatives that night. Craig spent some time playing with the mobile phone of one of Craig's Mum's cousins.

He also got up to dance at one stage, where he was soon joined by his very chubby second-cousin who lives upstairs on the fourth floor.

They were soon joined by a bunch of kids.

Craig's second cousin became very friendly. Perhaps the dancing helped him lose an ounce or two of weight and he wanted to express some gratitude.

When Craig returned to his seat he became the subject for picture takers old and young!

Craig also managed to take one picture of his Craig's Mum with her camera.

Then, it was time to look at the pictures taken on Craig's Mum's Cousin's phone. He's pretty good at staying busy no matter where he goes.

Bicycle Riding Again

Craig insisted on having yoghurt for breakfast on Thursday! So Craig's Dad took a picture of the boy's yoghurt moustache!

It doesn't look much better when you get up close either.

Because it was Craig's Dad's day off and the weather was good, the bicycles were taken downstairs for a ride along the river. The first stop was at a parkside cafe for some lunch.

Craig sat on a rocking duck (he likes them because they are blue) while Craig's Mum waited for the food at a table nearby.

Soon Craig went to find his Mum. He had originally thought she would come over to play with him.

The owner of the cafe had a beautiful dog that loved being scratched.

The dog had originally encouraged the throwing of a ball for him to chase but after just two or three chases he stopped and attempted to distract Craig's Dad by lying on his back to be scratched. That trick worked well. The dog then moved his head so that he could receive some scratching behind the ears and OOOHHH didn't he like that!

But Craig started to get bored with not being the centre of attention. He first thought about playing in the dog's water.

But decided to just run away instead. Craig's Dad had to chase him and bring the boy back several times.

He really likes this game.

After riding across the river Craig went to same little park that he likes. Not many pictures were taken because Craig and his parents had too much fun.

Happy In a Box

This was one of the rare occassions that Craig and his cousin Soit-Jade played together happily.

Do you get the feeling Craig was not being careful about where he was putting his feet?

Fortunately, Soit-Jade showed some understanding, and things were happy soon after.

A few hours later Craig was playing in a park where he was, once again, befriended by a girl who wanted to take care of him.

Apparently it was a really nice big park on the outskirts of town with big, beautiful houses for rich people around. Craig's Dad could use a win at Lotto ... (sigh)

An Ordinary Day

Despite the title of this post, breakfast was not so ordinary because Craig went with his parents to LA Cafe again!! It's too expensive to be called ordinary.

Craig tried on his Dad's cap when they were waiting for breakfast to come.

Then it was time to take the MRT to pick up some tickets for an upcoming trip Kaohsiung.

Later, Craig's Dad went to work and Craig stayed at home playing with his Lego. That's pretty ordinary.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Now He Can Do Housework

Craig's nose sometimes seems very sensitive to dust so it is quite important to keep the bedroom as dust-free as possible. Last Saturday was Spring Cleaning Day and Craig wanted to help.

And when the boy wants to help, it's best to let him.

He tried very hard to get all the pieces of dust and dirt that Craig's Mum and Dad pointed out. He was very conscientious.

In the afternoon, it was time to go for a bike ride. They hadn't planned to stop at this park but Craig spied it from his seat on the bike and insisted on going for a slide.

At the bottom of the slide he would encourage Craig's Dad to get up quickly by patting him on the chest quite firmly.

The other slide on the jungle gym was a red tube that Craig wanted to slide down and climb up. He never quite made it to the top.

It was big long ride that featured a stop in another park where no pictures were taken and then this stop on the return journey in the late afternoon.

Craig's Dad foolishly thought that he could lie down for a rest and Craig would leave him alone.

But climbing on Dad was more fun that sitting on a boring old rocking duck.

He's a good boy really.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

He's Always Helping

It was time to wash the bedsheets last weekend and when the sheets were dry and it was time to put them back on the bed Craig was there to help.

There's nothing quite like the help offered by a 2-year-old when there's housekeeping to be done.

The more Craig helped, the longer it took to get the job done. Luckily, there was plenty of time and no rush to finish.

Later the same day, Craig was taken to Neihu Sports Park with his cousins Yu-chi and Soit-Jade (not pictured) where he had fun playing in the sand.

Craig and Yu-chi are becoming quite good at playing together peacefully.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Walk with Dad

On a cold, damp Saturday when Craig's Mum really needed a tiny bit of time to herself, Craig went for a walk with Craig's Dad. It was a good thing that Craig was wearing his boots because he splashed his way through every puddle he could find on the 250m walk between home and the MRT station.

So, due to the inclement weather, Craig was taken walking through an underground shopping mall. This chick is the (unneeded) mascot of a store in the mall. For some unknown reason the chick has been stored in a little alcove behind a fire door. Lots of kids stop there to have their picture taken.

Craig likes it as much as any other child.

As soon as he arrived home Craig insisted on giving his Dad a chance to smell his feet just after they'd been removed from the boots! It's just the type of thing he does....... (sigh)