不知道為什麼逵革似乎對"門"越來越感興趣,他玩遍所有小阿姨家的門,冰箱的門、每個房間的門、廚櫃的門、廁所的門、、、等等,結果有一次他被自己反鎖在廁所裡面,卻不知道怎麼開門,還好姨丈很快就用螺絲起子將門打開,之後逵革玩上癮又接二連三的將自己鎖在廁所裡面,當然都是由姨丈來解圍。其實逵革的媽咪也學會如何用螺絲起子打開廁所的門,但她不希望逵革再把自己鎖在廁所,所以她告訴逵革"Uncle Amitha去上班了,沒有人會幫你開門,你就出不來了。"
For no apparent reason, Craig has taken an ever-increasing interest in doors. Craig played with every single door in Aunty Bess's house: the fridge door, every bedroom door, kitchen cupboard doors, the bathroom door .... etc. Then, one time, Craig locked himself in the bathroom and was unable to open the door himself. Fortunately, Craig's Uncle Amitha knew how to use a screwdriver to open the door. After that, Craig locked himself in the bathroom quite regularly. And, each and every time Uncle Amitha and the screwdriver came to the rescue. Although Craig's Mum knew how to unlock the bathroom door with the screwdriver she would tell Craig, "Uncle Amitha's gone to work, so no one can open the door for you and you won't be able to get out."
However, one day around midday, the bathroom door was locked but no one was inside. Craig had learned how to lock it from outside!! Craig had been very good and not locked himself inside when he'd locked the door!!! Genius. In the evening, around about time for Craig to take a bath, Craig didn't wait for his Mum. He ran into the bathroom and then locked the door behind him. Craig's Mum wanted to teach Craig a lesson. She decided to wait until he was scared and asked for her to open the door. So, she quite surprised to hear happy sounds coming from inside the bathroom a few seconds later. Then, she heard Craig say, "Go to the toilet," and "Don't wet your pants." So, because Craig needs help to go to the toilet Craig's Mum quickly ran off to get the screwdriver, ran back and opened the door to find Craig was completely naked! Craig's clothes were on the floor and Craig's Mum found they were all dry except for a small part of his shirt. Craig really had made sure that he didn't wet his pants .... of course, that did explain the wet spot on the bath mat.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
沒有照片的故事 Stories With No Pictures
You Talk Too Much
Craig improved his speaking ability quite a lot during this trip to New York. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor taught him quite a lot of Taiwanese and Mandarin. One time, Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor asked Craig, "What's your name?" and Craig looked at her and said, "You talk too much." which amused Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor no end because she was the one who had taught him how to say "You talk too much."
Don't Touch
Craig had begun to press buttons on remote controls and a dehumidifier resulting in everyone telling him, "Don't touch!" all the time. Then, Craig pressed his face against the dehumidifier .... he was trying to use his chin to press the buttons. He even lifted his foot onto a table so he could use his foot to press buttons on a remote control. After that, he tried to use the fingers of whoever was holding the remote control to press the buttons. His strategies to try and overcome the order "Don't Touch" were quite creative.
逵革無聊的時候也會玩起電燈的開關,一下子開一下子關,姑婆就教逵革說:太陽公公出來的時候不用開電燈,有一次早上逵革又將廚房的電燈打開了,姑婆就說:逵革,太陽公公出來了,不需要開燈,對吧? 逵革反駁說:太陽公公在樓下(還沒來)。
Grandfather Sun Comes Out
When Craig was bored he began playing with light switches inside the house turning them on and off just for fun. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor told him that when Grandfather Sun is out you don't need to turn on the lights. Craig answered, Grandfather Sun is downstairs (not out yet).
Dangerous Squirrels
Craig loved playing a game called "Going around to the other door' with Aunty Suprana but after she went back to England, Craig began playing that game with Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor. One time, Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor was too tired to play but Craig went down the stairs one by one and then around into the backyard. So, Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor yelled out, Craig, there's lots of squirrels in the yard. They might jump out and bite you, be careful. She even took Craig out to show him "squirrel holes" in the grass. After that, Craig wouldn't walk on the grass in the yard. No matter how hard anyone pulled he wouldn't put a foot on the grass and would have to be carried over it. One day Craig asked his Mum to take him to “the other door” but as soon as they got onto the grass at the side of the house Craig wouldn't move and kept asking his Mum to pick him up. Craig's Mum had to walk a few steps and then get Craig to follow all the while she was telling how the squirrels won't bite and Craig would take a few steps forward. When they got to the backyard Craig's Mum told Craig that he done very well and that he was very brave. She also suggested that they should go and tell Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor how brave he had been to walk across the backyard without any help. Eventually, he went in through the back door to talk to Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor. After that, whenever Craig walked on the grass in the backyard he would say, “Craig's very brave.” And, who can deny it!
You Talk Too Much
Craig improved his speaking ability quite a lot during this trip to New York. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor taught him quite a lot of Taiwanese and Mandarin. One time, Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor asked Craig, "What's your name?" and Craig looked at her and said, "You talk too much." which amused Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor no end because she was the one who had taught him how to say "You talk too much."
Don't Touch
Craig had begun to press buttons on remote controls and a dehumidifier resulting in everyone telling him, "Don't touch!" all the time. Then, Craig pressed his face against the dehumidifier .... he was trying to use his chin to press the buttons. He even lifted his foot onto a table so he could use his foot to press buttons on a remote control. After that, he tried to use the fingers of whoever was holding the remote control to press the buttons. His strategies to try and overcome the order "Don't Touch" were quite creative.
逵革無聊的時候也會玩起電燈的開關,一下子開一下子關,姑婆就教逵革說:太陽公公出來的時候不用開電燈,有一次早上逵革又將廚房的電燈打開了,姑婆就說:逵革,太陽公公出來了,不需要開燈,對吧? 逵革反駁說:太陽公公在樓下(還沒來)。
Grandfather Sun Comes Out
When Craig was bored he began playing with light switches inside the house turning them on and off just for fun. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor told him that when Grandfather Sun is out you don't need to turn on the lights. Craig answered, Grandfather Sun is downstairs (not out yet).
Dangerous Squirrels
Craig loved playing a game called "Going around to the other door' with Aunty Suprana but after she went back to England, Craig began playing that game with Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor. One time, Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor was too tired to play but Craig went down the stairs one by one and then around into the backyard. So, Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor yelled out, Craig, there's lots of squirrels in the yard. They might jump out and bite you, be careful. She even took Craig out to show him "squirrel holes" in the grass. After that, Craig wouldn't walk on the grass in the yard. No matter how hard anyone pulled he wouldn't put a foot on the grass and would have to be carried over it. One day Craig asked his Mum to take him to “the other door” but as soon as they got onto the grass at the side of the house Craig wouldn't move and kept asking his Mum to pick him up. Craig's Mum had to walk a few steps and then get Craig to follow all the while she was telling how the squirrels won't bite and Craig would take a few steps forward. When they got to the backyard Craig's Mum told Craig that he done very well and that he was very brave. She also suggested that they should go and tell Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor how brave he had been to walk across the backyard without any help. Eventually, he went in through the back door to talk to Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor. After that, whenever Craig walked on the grass in the backyard he would say, “Craig's very brave.” And, who can deny it!
Lake George
On one Sunday before Aunty Suprana made her way back to England, the postnatal care team took a trip to a factory outlet in the vicinity of Lake George. After finishing their shopping, the little team went to the lake to have a look. Unfortunately, the traffic was jam-packed and both sides of the road were full of people. Everyone was sitting facing the road but no-one in the little team knew why. After they had arrived home, Craig's Aunty Bess explained that there was a car show that weekend and everyone had gone to the shores of Lake George to look at the weird and wonderful cars!
So, it wasn't until the little postnatal care team had to go back to get a replacement for one of the things they had purchased that they had a chance to look at Lake George.
Lake George is quite big and the shore at one end looks just like a beach. Of course, Craig decided that the seagulls looked like ducks. While Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor and Craig's Taiwanese Grandma hid from the sun under a tree, Craig ran off to chase the "ducks".

On one Sunday before Aunty Suprana made her way back to England, the postnatal care team took a trip to a factory outlet in the vicinity of Lake George. After finishing their shopping, the little team went to the lake to have a look. Unfortunately, the traffic was jam-packed and both sides of the road were full of people. Everyone was sitting facing the road but no-one in the little team knew why. After they had arrived home, Craig's Aunty Bess explained that there was a car show that weekend and everyone had gone to the shores of Lake George to look at the weird and wonderful cars!
So, it wasn't until the little postnatal care team had to go back to get a replacement for one of the things they had purchased that they had a chance to look at Lake George.

Lake George is quite big and the shore at one end looks just like a beach. Of course, Craig decided that the seagulls looked like ducks. While Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor and Craig's Taiwanese Grandma hid from the sun under a tree, Craig ran off to chase the "ducks".

漢堡餐 Hamburger Dinner
Craig's Cousin Ishan turned one month old on Friday Sept. 18. Apart from one trip out to eat pizza the postnatal care team had eaten Chinese food at home for almost every other meal. Craig's Mum suggested a hamburger meal to celebrate. At first, Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor both objected on the grounds that McDonalds hamburgers can be found all over Taiwan. Craig's Mum explained that it was not the less-than-delicious McDonalds burgers that she was suggesting and that it would be a shame to go all the way to the US without trying some of the local cuisine. That convinced the two older ladies to give their kitchen skills a rest for one evening.
逵革的小阿姨和姨丈帶我們到一家叫"Red Robin"的漢堡及牛排店。
Craig's Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha suggested a steak and hamburger place called Red Robin.
Craig sat and did his usual graffitti style drawing while waiting for his favourite food, chips (French fries to our North American friends.)
Chips really are Craig's favourite food at the moment and on this night he ate them one after another very happily.
In fact Craig was so happy eating his chips that he didn't seem to care what was happening around him. Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor who were sitting opposite gave plenty of compliments about their fishburger and chips.
Craig's Cousin Ishan was also there even if he was a bit too small to enjoy the high cuisine on offer. He was as quiet as he normally is whenever taken out and slept peacefully in his pram.
Craig's Cousin Ishan turned one month old on Friday Sept. 18. Apart from one trip out to eat pizza the postnatal care team had eaten Chinese food at home for almost every other meal. Craig's Mum suggested a hamburger meal to celebrate. At first, Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor both objected on the grounds that McDonalds hamburgers can be found all over Taiwan. Craig's Mum explained that it was not the less-than-delicious McDonalds burgers that she was suggesting and that it would be a shame to go all the way to the US without trying some of the local cuisine. That convinced the two older ladies to give their kitchen skills a rest for one evening.

Craig's Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha suggested a steak and hamburger place called Red Robin.

Craig sat and did his usual graffitti style drawing while waiting for his favourite food, chips (French fries to our North American friends.)

Chips really are Craig's favourite food at the moment and on this night he ate them one after another very happily.

In fact Craig was so happy eating his chips that he didn't seem to care what was happening around him. Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor who were sitting opposite gave plenty of compliments about their fishburger and chips.

Craig's Cousin Ishan was also there even if he was a bit too small to enjoy the high cuisine on offer. He was as quiet as he normally is whenever taken out and slept peacefully in his pram.

下午茶 Afternoon Tea and Lakeside Fun
At around 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, after Craig's Cousin Ishan had finished feeding, Craig's Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha took Craig and the postnatal care team out for afternoon tea.
Craig's Cousin Ishan did his now usual thing of quietly sleeping in his pram beside Craig's Uncle Amitha where he could be easily looked after. Everyone shared five kinds of cake and they ate so liesurely that they didn't leave until after 5 o'clock.
During the trip back home Craig's Aunty Bess took everyone back to the place where Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha used to live. There is a childrens playground in the community and a lake. Lots of geese and ducks live beside the lake and Craig loves to look at ducks. Craig and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor and Craig's Mum went for a walk to look at the ducks while everyone else went back home.

Craig couldn't tell the difference between the geeses and the ducks but that didn't matter because he liked all of them and didn't stop following them everywhere.

The late afternoon sun falling across the apartment building and houses, in addition to the relaxed manner of the ducks beside the lake made the visitors think this was a really nice little community. Being able to walk out of your backyard onto the lakeside to watch the ducks walk back and forth is something that Craig would surely love.
The next day, when Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor were going shopping (again!) they dropped Craig and Craig's Mum off at the lake again. Craig followed the ducks around until Craig's Aunty Bess, Uncle Amitha and Cousin Ishan arrived. Craig then moved on to the childrens playground where he played until he became a bit too tired and cranky so he was taken back home for a nap. (It was a late 5pm nap.)

At around 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, after Craig's Cousin Ishan had finished feeding, Craig's Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha took Craig and the postnatal care team out for afternoon tea.

Craig's Cousin Ishan did his now usual thing of quietly sleeping in his pram beside Craig's Uncle Amitha where he could be easily looked after. Everyone shared five kinds of cake and they ate so liesurely that they didn't leave until after 5 o'clock.

During the trip back home Craig's Aunty Bess took everyone back to the place where Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha used to live. There is a childrens playground in the community and a lake. Lots of geese and ducks live beside the lake and Craig loves to look at ducks. Craig and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor and Craig's Mum went for a walk to look at the ducks while everyone else went back home.

Craig couldn't tell the difference between the geeses and the ducks but that didn't matter because he liked all of them and didn't stop following them everywhere.

The late afternoon sun falling across the apartment building and houses, in addition to the relaxed manner of the ducks beside the lake made the visitors think this was a really nice little community. Being able to walk out of your backyard onto the lakeside to watch the ducks walk back and forth is something that Craig would surely love.

The next day, when Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor were going shopping (again!) they dropped Craig and Craig's Mum off at the lake again. Craig followed the ducks around until Craig's Aunty Bess, Uncle Amitha and Cousin Ishan arrived. Craig then moved on to the childrens playground where he played until he became a bit too tired and cranky so he was taken back home for a nap. (It was a late 5pm nap.)

生日蛋糕 Birthday Cake
Monday Sept. 14 was Craig's Mum's birthday and on Tuesday Craig's Aunty Suprana had to fly back to England. So, on Sunday night Aunty Bess cooked a Black Forest Cake.
After lunch on Monday, Aunty Bess brought the cake out of the fridge and everyone sang Happy Birthday. As soon as he saw there was cake to eat, Craig was very happy and couldn't wait to wrap his lips around some cake.

While they were cutting up the cake everyone tried to choose the smallest piece because they were afraid of getting fat but after they had taken a mouthful they were all going back for more. Naturally, Craig ate more cake than anyone else because everyone fed some of their cake to him.
Of course, after cutting up the cake, coffee and tea was prepared so that everyone could go and sit in the best place to enjoy cake, in the sun on the back deck.
Monday Sept. 14 was Craig's Mum's birthday and on Tuesday Craig's Aunty Suprana had to fly back to England. So, on Sunday night Aunty Bess cooked a Black Forest Cake.

After lunch on Monday, Aunty Bess brought the cake out of the fridge and everyone sang Happy Birthday. As soon as he saw there was cake to eat, Craig was very happy and couldn't wait to wrap his lips around some cake.

While they were cutting up the cake everyone tried to choose the smallest piece because they were afraid of getting fat but after they had taken a mouthful they were all going back for more. Naturally, Craig ate more cake than anyone else because everyone fed some of their cake to him.

Of course, after cutting up the cake, coffee and tea was prepared so that everyone could go and sit in the best place to enjoy cake, in the sun on the back deck.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
摘蘋果 Apple Picking
A farm not far from Aunty Bess's house had apple picking on the weekends. On Saturday the temperature was about 15 degrees Celsius but then rose to 25 degrees on Sunday. The Taipei people thought this was an unimaginably large change while the locals remained unaffected and didn't stop wearing shorts and short-sleeves throughout both days.
As soon as they arrived at the car park of the farm, Craig saw a goat and he couldn't wait to rush over and feed it.
The farm also had sheep but there was a sign asking that visitors not feed them.
Of course Craig's Cousin Ishan came too. He was carried by Craig's Uncle Amitha. Every time Ishan goes out he seems to sleep more peacefully than he does when he's at home. At home, he often wants someone to hold him and if they put him down he wakes up straight away.
Everyone piled aboard a trailer that was pulled by a tractor to enter the farm and go fruit picking.
Craig was a bit scared when he first got on the trailer so Craig's Mum let him sit on her lap where she could keep him calm. Meanwhile, Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor checked out the scenery.
Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Craig's Aunty Suprana got on the truck but Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha thought the road might be too rough so they walked in with Craig's Cousin Ishan.
Once they got inside everyone started to pick apples. There was also a lot of ripe apples on the ground.
Craig couldn't wait to eat some apple. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor joked that Craig seems to eat anything and if he was fed straw he might eat that too!

After finishing the apple picking, while walking out they found a maze made of hay bales. Craig's Mum liked the rules and lots of other parents read them out loud to their children. Some small children started to cry when they heard the last rule and the parents would have to explain that it was a joke. Craig didn't understand it all so there were no tears from him.
Pennies were scattered on the ground in the maze and children that picked them up could swap them for lollies (sometimes known as candy.) After Craig had swapped one he lost interest in finding any more pennies but he liked running around in the maze. Craig's Mum, Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor all took turns to run around with him.
It was pumpkin season and everywhere you looked there were signs that Halloween was approaching. Craig posed with Aunty Bess in front of a scarecrow.
And then posed with his Mum here.
Before they got in the car to go home, Craig saw a goat come out of its cage so of course he had to go and give it a pat.
In the past Craig always wanted to pat animals but would be too afraid to touch them. This time, Craig wasn't afraid and wouldn't stop patting the goat until it was dragged away.
A farm not far from Aunty Bess's house had apple picking on the weekends. On Saturday the temperature was about 15 degrees Celsius but then rose to 25 degrees on Sunday. The Taipei people thought this was an unimaginably large change while the locals remained unaffected and didn't stop wearing shorts and short-sleeves throughout both days.
As soon as they arrived at the car park of the farm, Craig saw a goat and he couldn't wait to rush over and feed it.
The farm also had sheep but there was a sign asking that visitors not feed them.
Of course Craig's Cousin Ishan came too. He was carried by Craig's Uncle Amitha. Every time Ishan goes out he seems to sleep more peacefully than he does when he's at home. At home, he often wants someone to hold him and if they put him down he wakes up straight away.
Everyone piled aboard a trailer that was pulled by a tractor to enter the farm and go fruit picking.
Craig was a bit scared when he first got on the trailer so Craig's Mum let him sit on her lap where she could keep him calm. Meanwhile, Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor checked out the scenery.
Craig's Taiwanese Grandma and Craig's Aunty Suprana got on the truck but Aunty Bess and Uncle Amitha thought the road might be too rough so they walked in with Craig's Cousin Ishan.
Once they got inside everyone started to pick apples. There was also a lot of ripe apples on the ground.
Craig couldn't wait to eat some apple. Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor joked that Craig seems to eat anything and if he was fed straw he might eat that too!
After finishing the apple picking, while walking out they found a maze made of hay bales. Craig's Mum liked the rules and lots of other parents read them out loud to their children. Some small children started to cry when they heard the last rule and the parents would have to explain that it was a joke. Craig didn't understand it all so there were no tears from him.
Pennies were scattered on the ground in the maze and children that picked them up could swap them for lollies (sometimes known as candy.) After Craig had swapped one he lost interest in finding any more pennies but he liked running around in the maze. Craig's Mum, Aunty Bess and Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor all took turns to run around with him.
It was pumpkin season and everywhere you looked there were signs that Halloween was approaching. Craig posed with Aunty Bess in front of a scarecrow.
And then posed with his Mum here.
Before they got in the car to go home, Craig saw a goat come out of its cage so of course he had to go and give it a pat.
In the past Craig always wanted to pat animals but would be too afraid to touch them. This time, Craig wasn't afraid and wouldn't stop patting the goat until it was dragged away.
新的安全座椅 New Car Seat
Craig's car seat was supposed to make the trip to New York but when he got off the plane in Albany the car seat did not arrive. The airline lent a car seat to Craig while it tried to find his seat and then it intended to send to Craig's Aunty Bess's house in exchange for the loaned one. However, after two weeks of searching, Craig's original seat could not be found and the airline agreed to pay for a new one for Craig.

Craig really likes the new seat and kept saying, "Craig's sitting in his new seat".
Craig's car seat was supposed to make the trip to New York but when he got off the plane in Albany the car seat did not arrive. The airline lent a car seat to Craig while it tried to find his seat and then it intended to send to Craig's Aunty Bess's house in exchange for the loaned one. However, after two weeks of searching, Craig's original seat could not be found and the airline agreed to pay for a new one for Craig.
Craig really likes the new seat and kept saying, "Craig's sitting in his new seat".
遊樂天堂 Kids Paradise
About 10 minutes drive from Aunty Bess's house was a sports park that had a kids playground inside including a castle made of wood. Craig was very happy about going to the park. Finally, something that he wanted to do and not more shopping!

Inside the castle was a bit like a maze so Craig followed a bigger child. Craig is starting to like playing with other kids more and more.

Craig's Taiwanese Grandmother was afraid Craig would hurt himself and was always willing to put her hand in the way of any danger.

And, she didn't mind pushing when Craig was on a swing.

Craig played on everything in the park including the castle and slides but he was only allowed to play for an hour, because the adults wanted to go shopping again!! ;<
About 10 minutes drive from Aunty Bess's house was a sports park that had a kids playground inside including a castle made of wood. Craig was very happy about going to the park. Finally, something that he wanted to do and not more shopping!
Inside the castle was a bit like a maze so Craig followed a bigger child. Craig is starting to like playing with other kids more and more.
Craig's Taiwanese Grandmother was afraid Craig would hurt himself and was always willing to put her hand in the way of any danger.
And, she didn't mind pushing when Craig was on a swing.
Craig played on everything in the park including the castle and slides but he was only allowed to play for an hour, because the adults wanted to go shopping again!! ;<
下午茶 Afternoon Tea
One warm afternoon everyone everyone felt like going out on the back deck to sit in the sun. So, they prepared coffee and biscuits (made by Craig's Aunty Suprana) for afternoon tea. It was a shame that Craig's Dad wasn't there. He would definitely have liked Aunty Bess's house, especially the back deck. Every time the sun was out, he would have been there sunning himself.

Of course Craig didn't have coffee but he couldn't stop drinking his juice. Craig reallys likes the deck (as much as Craig's Dad would have if he was there). Craig often asks to go and sit on the deck when it's time to eat.
One warm afternoon everyone everyone felt like going out on the back deck to sit in the sun. So, they prepared coffee and biscuits (made by Craig's Aunty Suprana) for afternoon tea. It was a shame that Craig's Dad wasn't there. He would definitely have liked Aunty Bess's house, especially the back deck. Every time the sun was out, he would have been there sunning himself.
Of course Craig didn't have coffee but he couldn't stop drinking his juice. Craig reallys likes the deck (as much as Craig's Dad would have if he was there). Craig often asks to go and sit on the deck when it's time to eat.
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