But, strangely on New Year's Eve his parents seemed to have forgotten this very important fact about their only baby boy. Craig was taken upstairs to the home of Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor about an hour before midnight where he was quite happy.

After having a 2-hour nap earlier in the day, once he was upstairs Craig kept himself busy watching TV with the adults and ignoring the food for a change.

In the beginning of the following video you can hear the sound of Craig's reaction to the beginning of the fireworks show. Fortunately, Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor took him inside quickly.
The fireworks only lasted 3 minutes so Craig's Mum was soon inside to give him a hug. He was so scared that a hug from Craig's Dad wasn't good enough ..... only his Mum could fix it. (For sharp-eyed people, the fireworks were being replayed on the TV in the background. Did you notice?)

Soon Craig was back to normal and grabbing the remote control so he could change the channel on the TV just to annoy anyone who was actually watching the thing.

It was good to see him get back to normal quickly because it was very late and time for bed.

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