As you would expect with three children four years and under, things were lively. The two girls had fun with Auntie Suprana's CDs, DVDs or whatever they could lay their hands on.

After lunch Craig had a chance to calm down a bit when he went on a shopping trip with his parents. After leaving the store Craig insisted on helping to carry some of the goods. He likes carrying the bags of new nappies .....

Taipei drivers are famous for their lack of respect for pedestrians. Craig's Mum kept a sharp eye on Craig while his irresponsible father took a pictures of Craig walking on the crosswalk.

Craig was much safer on the footpath.

The purpose of the shopping trip had been to buy a new sleeping sack for Craig. His feet stick out of his current one too far sometimes. Not a good thing to have happen on the coldest nights. Although a sleeping sack wasn't found, a lovely, and very warm-looking sleeping bag made its way out of the shop and back home. Craig seemed to like it when he was trying out.

This was the last Saturday night that Craig's Mum would be attending a computer class. Five weeks of 6:30~9:30pm classes for Craig's Mum meant that for five consecutive Saturdays, Craig had dinner at TGI Fridays!!

After dinner, Craig watched Finding Nemo for the one millionth time without receiving a prize.

One day earlier, Craig's Mum had taken this cute picture of Craig getting ready to go outside.

She used her phone's editing software to make this close-up. The look on the boy's face is priceless. "Why are you taking my picture again?"
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