Later in the week on Thursday, Craig's Dad was almost in holiday mode because he had just one more day of work before Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year to some). It was decided that brunch at LA Cafe would be the best way to start the day. Upon arrival, Craig was very happy that he was finally going to be fed some breakfast.

The first things to be put on the table by the amazingly sexy waitress were two tiny yellow tubs with banana slices in them and Craig's Dad's coffee. Craig was interested in both. Not because he wanted to drink the coffee but because Craig simply has to play with the creamer thingy.

So, Craig's Dad had to quickly pour the creamer into his coffee.

Clean the little creamer tub with a tissue.

And then re-start the feeding of banana to Craig (aka The Boss).

Having finished taking pictures of that little process, Craig's Mum went back to reading the newspaper. All the bettter for Craig's Dad to watch the waitress walking around serving other customers.

After brunch, a leisurely stroll was taken towards the 4th floor play area at a nearby department store. On the way, Craig stopped to look at elevators going up and down .... as you do.

Craig is getting better at climbing on jungle gyms but Craig's Dad likes to stay close in case of a mis-step.

Craig is truly the world's slowest slider.
Craig also likes to play in water and had to be convinced that he couldn't go for a walk in the fountain next to the jungle gym.

Then it was back home to play with the new tent that was given to Craig by his recently arrived relatives from England.

Despite Craig's parents inability to get a happy picture of Craig in the tent it is actually a much appreciated gift. Uncle Dean and Aunty Suprana have done good with this one.

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