Finally, after a traffic jam-filled 4-hour car trip that should have only taken two hours and that only took the passengers in the car to Hsinchu instead of the intended destination of Taichung, Uncle Dean, Aunty Suprana, Craig and Craig's parents finally had lunch. They were joined at the pretend Italian restaurant by Craig's Mum's friend Yating, her husband and two children. Craig was pretty happy to be out of the car and only sat still long enough to eat.

Then it was time to go for a walk around the campus of a local university.

There are some wide open grassy spaces inside the campus and it was beautifully quiet.

There's a small lake that is full of extremely fat ornamental carp. Craig had some fun throwing biscuits to the fish.

The group then trooped off to a glass museum but Craig had to wait outside while the two car drivers looked for parking spaces. Meanwhile Aunty Suprana kept Craig warm while he drank some yoghurt.

Craig seemed to like the museum but he did become a bit concerned about walking on top of these glass panels. Luckily Craig's Mum was nearby to help him when he needed it.

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