One of Craig's favourite parks was not far away from the place where the errands were completed.

Craig was wearing his ever-so-cute rain boots because the ground was still a bit wet from some overnight rain.

Plus, it was a proper cold day so there were no other children to play with at the park.

So, Craig felt that he had to find some fun by himself. Which led him to ignore a little girl who came along to play on the slide while he was looking the other way.

She left soon after, perhaps because Craig was being boring but just as likely because looking at Craig's Dad made her cry! That still happens sometimes in Taipei.

Craig then began playing in the water on the stairs leading up to the slide and, disgracefully, Craig's Dad didn't stop him and took a picture instead. Craig quickly taught his Dad a lesson by turning around and sitting in the water!!! That meant a quick trip home on the train so that Craig could put on dry pants. Sigh.....

When they arrived home, Craig's Mum was sitting on a new sofa!!! Not really ..... the old Ikea sofa only had one good leg left after three legs had broken off. The third one broke off when Craig's Mum was moving the sofa while vacuuming. So, the last good leg was taken off and the height reduced.

A little later, Craig was taken to the doctor where the nurse/receptionist came out from behind the counter to play with Craig. Craig's parents think she really likes him.

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