He dragged Craig's Dad in there and brought along a book to read. It was a cold, wet day outside and this was a very nice way to start the holiday.

In the afternoon it was time to drive up into the hills to visit Craig's Taiwanese Grandmother for a Lunar New Year feast. First he had a chance to catch up with his cousin Soit-Jade.

While the adults finished eating, Craig was watching the TV. He perhaps got a little too close at times.

To get him away from the TV, Craig's Dad took Craig upstairs to play for a while. As soon as he saw the gap under the sofa Craig began playing his "I'm stuck" game yet again.

He kept playing for quite a while.

Luckily, Aunty Suprana came up and interrupted the game.

Back downstairs, Craig and Soit-Jade insisted on being fed watermelon seeds at the same time by their Grandmother.
So, she had to be super-quick at cracking the shells and then feeding the two little people. It was very demanding.

The next morning, Craig ate his breakfast standing up.

And he played with his younger cousin Yu-chi for a while as well.

In the afternoon, the extended family went for a drive to a big shopping mall in Taoyuan called Taimall but there are no pictures of that. Craig's Dad's camera stayed in his pocket for a change.
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