At the restaurant Craig was given children's tableware but that seemed to give him too much to hold.

Some of the food was served in very decorative tableware.

After lunch, Craig was taken to a nearby park. You can see his cousin Soit-Jade and Uncle Guapo in the background.

Uncle Guapo was trying to take pictures of his daughter but she moves very quickly.

Later in the day, Craig and his Dad got on the new bicycle and began riding towards the riverside park again. Unfortunately, just a few meters before they arrived at the park they went past a temple. Within seconds of them passing the temple a huge round of fireworks was set-off. The noise lasted for minutes. At first, Craig's Dad tried to simply ride away but Craig was screaming like his Dad had never heard before. After travelling a few hundred meters, Craig's Dad had to stop to try and settle him down. It took 45 minutes of hugs and cool drinks and more hugs again for poor Craig to become calm enough to get down off Dad's lap.

After that, Craig played with a soccer ball a little bit but he was not very lively.

Then, amazingly, when they were on their way back, about a kilometer before they were to pass the temple again the fireworks started up a second time!!! Craig's Dad stopped and distracted Craig with a biscuit but that only worked for a minute before Craig needed another hug.

He seemed OK later that night when having his pre-bedtime snack.

But he was super-tired, probably from nervous exhaustion.

1 comment:
Dear father-in-law:
please don't let any female touch my husband besides mother-in-law.
thanks very much!!
Craig's With , Grace.
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