Craig didn't care too much about the view. He was too busy polishing off the junk food that his parents gave him to keep him quiet while they were riding.

As soon as he was taken off the bike Craig raced through the little tunnel to the sandpit where he was the only person. Although it was a Saturday it was a make-up work day for most people who would receive an extra day off at Chinese New Year.

Craig's Mum was soon in the sand to help Craig have some fun.

Whenever planes would fly over Craig would get a bit scared and need a hug from Mum.

After a while Craig moved over to the jungle gym where began a game that he has played before. It involves sliding down this nice yellow slide which he accomplished just a tiny bit too quickly for Craig's Mum to capture him in this picture.

Then Craig would run a lap around the whole jungle gym before racing up to Craig's Dad who would put him on top of the platform.

He ran a lot of laps.

At least a dozen.

And the result was pretty much the same every time, a happy smiling boy.

All that exercise meant Craig was happy about going for lunch, even if it was just KFC.

After lunch Craig and his parents found a place to sit in the sun outside of a 7-Eleven so Craig could have some yoghurt.

Then it was off to the nearby tiny park that they've been to before quite a few times now. Craig's Mum tried to play the "put the spade on the platform so Craig will climb the rope ladder" game.

But Craig avoided the climb by running over to a tiny staircase to grab the spade from the other direction.

He slipped a few times back while trying to walk up the last tube.

Craig then began playing a new game. It was very silly but, at times, he giggled like a maniac at his "stuff the plastic spade up Craig's Dad's shirt" game.
Kids are good at inventing their own games, aren't they?

Craig's Dad liked this game because he could play it lying down.

After that game concluded, Craig kept playing on the slide under the watchful eye of Craig's Mum.

During the looooooonng ride home, Craig's Mum needed to lie down because of a stomach upset. Craig provided sympathy

and companionship.

It was a wide open spot just below the lookout where the first picture of this post was taken.

Craig's Mum had to lie down again a few minutes later. This time Craig preferred to rock away on the rocking duck to sympathising with his Mum.

Craig had quite a good time there.

When they finally arrived home, Craig's Mum could lie down somewhere soft.

Craig turned his attention to the TV!

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