This was the first time that Craig had showed any interest in the flamingos. On previous visits here and here, he didn't look at them for more than a few seconds. This time he stayed and watched them for a few minutes and even wanted to stay when his parents wanted to move on.

Taipei Zoo is situated ona hillside and most visitors take a little train near the entrance up to the top of the hill so that they can walk down the hill. It's much less tiring than doing it the other way.

It was hot outside so Craig's parents were keen to stay indoors. Craig spent a bit of time looking at turtles in the amphibian house.

Next, Craig's parents tried very hard to walk towards the penguins. They are kept in an indoor house but Craig preferred to stay outdoors where he could look at this little pool full of turtles and fish.

When they eventually got inside the penguin house Craig only stayed for a minute.

He continued to move quickly after that, stopping briefly to look at the Asian Black Bear.

By this stage Craig was tired and seemed to be close to taking an afternoon nap. He wouldn't cooperate when Craig's Mum tried to take a photo.

And he was having fun doing mean things like pulling on his Dad's lip. Fun for him, no fun for Craig's Dad.

After one more attempt to take a photo where Craig was uncooperative again, Craig's Mum said it was time to go home.

For some reason that made Craig very happy. He began racing down the hill towards the exit.

He seemed truly pleased about getting away.

Just before they left, Craig's Dad couldn't help himself. He took a photo of this little sign that had been put up in the men's.

Dinner that night was Friday's. Craig's Dad keeps thinking that Craig should like going to the zoo because kids usually like animals but Craig seems to always have a better time when he's eating than when he's at the zoo. And, he always has a good time at Fridays, especially when they give him a balloon.

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