The main present she received was a digital photo frame. It's a very cute idea.

Craig went to the park again in the afternoon.

This time he walked home by himself. In fact, he ran most of the way.

There was a dinner at Beaches Bistro to celebrate Craig's Grandma's birthday but Craig kept Craig's Dad so busy that he only took one photo! And, that was a picture of two bored teenagers, aka Craig's cousins Lizzie and Maree, waiting for their meals to arrive. Craig's Aunty Annette can be seen smiling in the background.

Unfortunately, Craig's Dad doesn't have any better pictures of the occasion.
Better pictures have arrived! Thanks to Craig's Aunty Anne for supplying these. First, we have Craig sitting at the end of the table as if he were the guest of homour and not his Grandma.

Then, we have Craig's Cousin Maree still playing with her book even though she hadn't yet finished her dinner! Craig's Grandad seems to be listening intently to someone, probably Craig's Dad.

You can tell that Craig's Cousin Bailey really likes dessert, can't you?

And, finally a group photo! Unfortunately, Craig's Aunty Jodie seems to have been cut out by the waitress who took the photo. And, Craig is way back in the darkness there somewhere........

I will try and post some photos on Facebook, there is a nice one of Isha, Craig and you especially, and send you the link when I am done (it might take a while, we still only have dial-up)
Aunty Anne
Hello Aunty Anne,
Good pictures would be very welcome, especially if I can link to them or perhaps just copy them and put them on the blog. (No copyright issues, I hope. :>)
Plus, I didn't know you are on Facebook. I am too but I haven't logged in for a couple of months.
Craig's Dad
Well, I would send you a friend request on Facebook, which would make the sharing easier, but I couldn't work out where you were on their.
Here is the link to the photos
Let me know if it does not work.
Aunty Anne
I find Facebook a bit useless when I try to find people as well. It doesn't seem to very helpful.
I've sent you and Lizzy an invite. So that should help for future picture exchanges and just keeping in touch.
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