Monday, September 15, 2008

Trip to Oz Ends

Craig's Dad began forgetting to take pictures during the last days of the trip. He managed to pull his camera out in Brisbane when Craig was playing with some over-sized Lego provided by Great Aunty Vickie.

He had a good time with the blocks and the little cart they were kept in.

It would have been nice if he had someone closer to his own age to play with but the older people were enjoying each other's company.

Craig only stayed one night at the Hotel Bayview Tce (aka Craig's Great Uncle Brian and Great Auntie Vickie's House). The next morning he was woken up early in preparation for another long international flight. A proper camera was used to take a picture before driving to the airport. The last time Craig was in Brisbane he didn't have his photo taken with Great Uncle Brian, so this time Great Aunty Vickie did the honours and held the camera!

Craig wasn't the only one looking tired in the photo but that probably wasn't the photographer's fault. It was just after 6am, if Craig's Dad's memory serves him well.

At the airport, Craig's Dad tried to make sure that Craig didn't look at the airplane while they were waiting to board. Craig already understood very well what happens at airports and he knew that he wasn't going to like it!

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