On the next day, Craig and his parents followed their now usual routine which saw them arrive on the beach at the hottest time of day. The advantage of that was that the beach was as close to deserted as it gets all day. Well, at least at the end of the beach that Craig's Dad liked.

There was no-one up the end of the beach where Craig and his parents had put their towels and stuff.

But, Craig needed to be covered in sunscreen lotion. Fortunately, he was quite patient about that.

He stayed close to his Mum while she applied the lotion all over.

On this day, they came back to the beach at lunchtime to eat at an outdoor cafe that belongs to the Caesar Park Hotel.

It's a really nice spot but a bit hot for lunch. (And a bit expensive.)

Once again, Craig and his Dad cooled off in the beautiful pool back at the Howard in the afternoon. They had lots of fun there, as they did every day.

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