Craig's Dad is actually crouching down in this picture. Craig hasn't been taken out into deep water yet. The water was lovely and cool in the middle of the day.

When walking back to the hotel room, Craig surprised his parents by insisting on helping to carry his bucket and toys.

In the afternoon, Craig was back in the pool for a couple of hours again. This time he found two other little boys to play with. They managed to stand still just long enough for Craig's Dad to take a picture when Craig was leaving.

Dinner that night was at Craig's Dad's favourite place in Kenting, Casa de Margarita.

The management has a very sensible dress rule posted at the entrance.

After dinner, during the walk back to the hotel, Craig insisted on checking on the strength of the rope that was used to block-off a section of the car park.

Since it was still early, Craig went to explore the hotel a little bit.

The view of the pool from upstairs was actually quite nice.

But Craig had been out in the sun quite a lot that day so sleep came early to the little boy in the "Trainee Millionaire" t-shirt.

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