到了時代廣場附近他們找了 一家咖啡廳坐下來休息,也讓逵革吃些蛋糕和麵包,否則他可能會餓到鬧脾氣。
Time passed very quickly and soon the day for the postnatal care team to return to Taiwan. Their return trip involved a 9-hour wait at the airport in New York. So, they decided to take the subway to Time Square to have a look around. They took the Air Train and transferred to the subway down to 42nd Street. Craig's Uncle Amitha had prepared info on how to travel including ticketing. Unfortunately, after they bought three tickets, when it came time for Craig and Craig's Mum to pass through the ticket gate, maybe because the subway is tool old or Craig's Mum was just very unlucky, but no matter how it was swiped the ticket did not open the gate. In the end a subway employee had to open a gate to let them through.
When they arrived in the neighborhood of Time Square they found a coffee shop to sit and rest. Craig had some cake and bread because he might get too hungry and become cranky.

Being a group of tourists that have come to Time Square, of course photos had to be taken to commemorate the occasion.

But the crowds were thick and the little group was almost buried underneath them.

Morgan Freeman was hanging around doing nothing so Craig allowed him to have a picture taken with the star of this blog.

結果回程坐地鐵時,逵革的媽咪搞錯了帶大家坐到最後一站才下車,結果出站發現不太對勁,問了 一些人才得到結果,他們應該提早一站下車,所以為了那一站他們還要再花相同的車錢再坐回去,還好沒有迷路,大家順利地搭飛機回到台灣,接著又要再把時差調整回來。
On the return trip, Craig's Mum made a small mistake and they didn't get off the subway until the terminal station. When they came out of the station they felt something was wrong and asked for directions and were told that they should have gotten off earlier. So they had to spend money on new tickets. But, they didn't get lost and made it to the airport in plenty of time to return to Taiwan where they had to begin getting used to the time difference again!
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