Thursday, October 08, 2009

Back in Taipei

Craig and his Mum arrived back in Taipei in the early morning of Aug. 25. Not after dropping their bags upstairs it was time for breakfast. And, what could be better for Craig than his favourite scrambled egg crepe and a big cup of soy bean milk. You can tell he was happy about being back..... well, Craig's Dad was happy.

Back at home, Craig had lots of fun with his Lego blocks. He didn't want to build anything, in fact, he mostly wanted to put them down Craig's Dad shirt. When he becamne bored with that he began putting the blocks down his own shirt!

Despite the fact that he has used the same bathtub since birth, Craig still likes this one.

On his second day back at home the weather was nice enough to go to the park where Craig played on his old favourite the blue rocking duck.

Craig also went for a long afternoon walk with Craig's Dad while Craig's Mum tried to take an afternoon nap.

On his third day back, Craig had lunch in the local cafe with his Mum and Dad.

And, he came out to meet Craig's Dad for lunch on one of those long days when Craig's Dad leaves home early and doesn't get home until late.

But the jet lag still meant that almost a week after returning home Craig and Craig's Mum were sleeping at odd hours. The good thing was that they could sleep together.

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