An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of a very cute boy growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Craig's Birthday Halloween Style
Craig's 3rd birthday was a big day at his kindergarten, Uncle Jason's American School, and Craig was invited to join the fun. All the main activities were to be held in the morning and Craig usually doeasn't arrive until 11:30am. So, Craig and his parents had to get up much earlier than usual so that they could arrive at the kindergarten at 9:00am.
Craig's hat gave Craig's Mum a lot of trouble but due to her hard work the hat stayed on the boy's head at all the crucial moments.
The first event was all the children taking turns to get up onstage and introduce themselves one by one. Halloween in Taiwan is a little bit different to the original US version. From the left in the picture below we have Mr. Skeleton, James Bond, Mr. Incredible and Mr. Cowboy.
Even the smallest kids at the kindergarten had a turn with the microphone.
Craig was in one of the last groups to get up.
He didn't appear to be nervous when he was onstage.
But when it came to his turn to speak, Craig refused to answer any questions. That's pretty normal for him.
The end of the show was some of the bigger kids who seemed to have a much better grasp of what was expected.
Some of their costumes were pretty spectacular as well.
Craig's costume won a Best Recycling award. The prize was a very cool toy car.
Everyone then gathered outside in the little front yard in preparation to go trick-or-treating.
Craig's Dad must have enjoyed himself too much while walking along with the crowd of parents and kids doing some very Taiwanese-style trick-or-treating. He forgot to take any pictures!!! The event was actually very well organized but sometimes that made the giving of the candy to the children a bit perfunctory.
Back at the kindergarten Craig was already hungry. It was getting on towards 11:30am and it had been a long time since breakfast. So, the candy started to disappear.
Then a photo was taken of Craig with the daughter of Craig's Mum's friend Jackie. He and his daughter are the people who introduced Craig's Mum to Uncle Jason's.
The last picture has a story attached to it. The teacher was playing a game of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" with a picture of a cat and some magnetic tails. Any child that tried to pin the tail on while blindfolded would receive candy. Craig lined up several times but chickened out whenever it came to his turn. Then, he snuck around behind the teacher and put his hand into the bag of candy that can be seen next to the teacher's left shoulder in the picture. Craig's Mum pulled Craig away before he grabbed a freebie.
Eventually, Craig played the game, with some help from Craig's Dad, and was given candy by the teacher.
A rapidly aging person who spends some of his spare time blogging about his sons. I also spend a lot of time thinking about how to spend all the money I never win on Lotto.
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