Saturday, October 17, 2009

Good Weather At Last

Saturday dawned with clear blue skies as far as the eye could see. It was the first such dawn for many weeks and it was the first time that Craig and Craig's Mum had seen the sun in Taipei's sky since their return from the US. Craig's Mum and Dad thought they should take advantage of the fine weather and get the bicycles out!

Maybe you can't tell in the first two pictures but Craig was so excited about going out that he was singing and laughing continuously for almost half an hour.

After riding for about 30 minutes to Neihu Sports Park, a picture was taken from the park's lookout with Songshan Airport in the background. Craig was still very happy and was still as energetic as possible when tied up in a child seat.

As soon as he got off the bike he began running around like a mad thing on the jungle gym. He really liked climbing up this corkscrew thingamajig.

Craig has become quite good at climbing on this type of thing. It must be because he gets taken to parks with jungle gyms all the time... well, he does when the weather permits.

Craig did his own version of circuit training by climbing up the corkscrew thingy and then sliding down a curly slide no less than 20 times. Craig's Dad's video only captured one or two laps.

There's no pictures of Craig having lunch at the usual windy spot outside of KFC in Dazhih. After lunch Craig was taken to another park with a jungle gym in a very quiet neighborhood. Craig's Mum and Dad were able to sit on a comfortable park bench and chat while Craig played happily, sometimes with other kids but mostly by himself. About an hour later Craig's Dad picked his big fat lazy bum up off the bench to take one picture before the journey home began.

About half way home Craig was given the opportunity to get out of the bicycle seat and ride a blue rocking duck. He really likes anything blue at the moment and rocking ducks are another favourite so it doesn't get much better than this.

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