There was no-one else on the beach to help with taking a family photo so this was the best Craig's Dad could manage.

Next, Craig's parents found a spot that wasn't too windy on the grass in front of Keppel Haven. The lawn out the front of the restaurant was very nice on that day because it provided a place sheltered from the wind where Craig could feel the warmth of the sun and still see the beach.

While Craig enjoyed the grass, one of the locals came looking for food.

Craig liked sitting with his Mum more than lying on the grass.

Then it was time for lunch and a short nap back in the room. After the nap, Craig was ready for action.

Unfortunately for Craig there wasn't much for babies to do on Keppel. His parents took him to play golf on the very cute pitch-and-putt golf course which didn't hold his interest for very long. His Mum had some trouble hitting her ball from tee to green but her putting was pretty good. This is Craig's Mum putting on the second hole.

It was getting near sunset when they finished. This photo shows the moon coming up above the ninth green and some of the guest villas.

Craig's Dad took a picture of the score card, just for fun.

The sunset that day looked really good.

Winter sunsets are always nice on Keppel.

Then it was time for Craig to play on the bed with Mum again. When he was watching his parents play golf Craig had become a bit cold so playing on the bed was a nice warm way to end the day.

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