Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bailey Arrives

The weather back in Yeppoon was warmer than it had been over on Great Keppel Island. Craig's parents decided to take him up to Wreck Point again to look at the view on a much nicer day than the last time they had visited.

Once again, Craig's parents took turns taking pictures of each other.

In contrast to the last visit, Craig stayed awake and got out of his pram for a picture.

After their walk it was time for lunch. Craig played with his Grandad while his Dad made salad sandwiches.

Craig's Grandad and Craig had a chat to Mitch the Shihtzu.

They even posed for a picture.

It was a lovely day outside so Craig and his Mum and Dad spent the afternoon on the top verandah enjoying the sunshine.

The weather was finally starting to warm up properly.

And then, in the early evening, Craig's Aunty Annette and his cousin Bailey arrived. Craig really liked Bailey, perhaps because of his winning smile.

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