The poor little fella looked a bit subdued after he struggled out to the edge of the pool. Then, he flew up to the railing and sat in the sun to dry off almost right in front of Bailey, Aunty Annette and Craig's Dad.

Even with his feathers all wet he was a big kookaburra.

While he was there a mynah dropped by to say hello.

The mynah came and went. And, Bailey and Aunty Annette were replaced by Craig's Mum but the kookaburra stayed.

It was only when the feathers around his neck had dried out properly and fluffed out a bit that he was ready to fly away.

The next day, one of the kookaburras took a rest on the TV antenna on top of the roof. The two of them looked fine and no-one could tell if this was the one that had fallen into the swimming pool or not.
You don't see this type of thing much in Taipei.

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