But some food made him feel better and eventually he became friendlier. He allowed Grace to take him for a walk, which was something of a first. Then, just before it was time to leave, he allowed Craig's Dad's Boss Jinny to pick him up! He immediately began the forehead-to-forehead pushing game beloved of some little boys.

Craig then did a great job of turning his head at the last second to spoil the photo when Grace and Jinny had lined up and smiled nicely!

Craig was more cooperative the second time. Perhaps because Grace was holding his head still.

Craig's Dad had to go to work in the afternoon but Craig and his Mum had dinner with a large group of relatives that night. Craig spent some time playing with the mobile phone of one of Craig's Mum's cousins.

He also got up to dance at one stage, where he was soon joined by his very chubby second-cousin who lives upstairs on the fourth floor.

They were soon joined by a bunch of kids.

Craig's second cousin became very friendly. Perhaps the dancing helped him lose an ounce or two of weight and he wanted to express some gratitude.

When Craig returned to his seat he became the subject for picture takers old and young!

Craig also managed to take one picture of his Craig's Mum with her camera.

Then, it was time to look at the pictures taken on Craig's Mum's Cousin's phone. He's pretty good at staying busy no matter where he goes.

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