Craig already knows how this machine works. The first thing that needs to happen is that Craig's Mum puts money (NT$10) in the slot at the top.

Then, out of the bottom comes a SuperBall!

When walking back to the MRT station Craig wanted to be picked up.

And when he got out of the train and up to street level he decided to take another rest at the organic food shop next to the station entrance.

A little girl who was passing by took an interest in his well-being because Craig's Dad was walking away saying "See you later" very loudly and waving goodbye. But, Craig didn't move.

Soon Craig had been carried off to the breakfast shop near home that was still open late enough for him to have lunch. At first he was a bit impatient waiting for his food.

But Craig's Mum is pretty good at keeping the boy busy.

As soon as he arrived home Craig insisted on playing fussball with his Mum.

At first he didn't pay much attention to actually moving his men.

But later when he was playing with Craig's Dad he started to get the idea.

But Craig's parents thought Craig needed to get outside for more exercise.

Craig was very happy playing on the slide when Craig's Dad was close behind.

There was another little boy and his Mum who had been on the slide at the same time as Craig and his Dad and they came to play when Craig's soccer ball was brought out of its bag.

But Craig couldn't stand the sight of someone else playing with his ball and he started crying!!! So the other little boy and his very polite mum were soon gone.

The lack of other people competing for the ball meant Craig was happier about throwing it or kicking to Craig's Dad.

But then he got the idea that it would be fun to throw the ball onto the grass outside of the little fence where they were playing. Craig's Dad would have to get the ball and then he would throw it so that Craig had to do some running to get it back again.

One time when Craig had picked the ball up and was running towards the fence, Craig's Mum was trying to block his way. Craig threw a perfect feint to the left, side-stepped off his left foot like a rugby winger cutting inside and almost ran around Craig's Mum! It might sound a little dull when told as a story but you had to see the obvious natural talent. He's going to be good at some ball games in the future, there's no doubt.

Craig had been running around pretty solidly for more than half an hour before the effort finally became too much and he needed to lie down before beginning the walk home.

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