And when the boy wants to help, it's best to let him.

He tried very hard to get all the pieces of dust and dirt that Craig's Mum and Dad pointed out. He was very conscientious.

In the afternoon, it was time to go for a bike ride. They hadn't planned to stop at this park but Craig spied it from his seat on the bike and insisted on going for a slide.

At the bottom of the slide he would encourage Craig's Dad to get up quickly by patting him on the chest quite firmly.

The other slide on the jungle gym was a red tube that Craig wanted to slide down and climb up. He never quite made it to the top.

It was big long ride that featured a stop in another park where no pictures were taken and then this stop on the return journey in the late afternoon.

Craig's Dad foolishly thought that he could lie down for a rest and Craig would leave him alone.

But climbing on Dad was more fun that sitting on a boring old rocking duck.

He's a good boy really.

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