At the park, Ying-chi took Craig towards the slide. At first, unwillingly.....

but then not so unwillingly.

Then he started to have fun.

It was so crowded at the top of the slide Aunty Suprana (recently returned from two weeks in sunny Thailand) got involved in directing traffic.

People in Taiwan are sometimes a bit unconcerned about others and might walk right in front of someone trying to take a photo. Most of the time they would never even know that they'd done such a thing, as well.
Meanwhile, it really was very crowded at the top of the slide because Craig had sat there not moving for too long!

Away from the crowd Ying-chi was taking care of Craig very well.

She even helped him try on her sunglasses.

When it was time to leave, Ying-chi put her backpack on Craig!

Then, she carried Craig's Mum's big backpack.

It's always good to know that Craig is being taken care of.

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