He played on his favourite slide as usual.

You can't tell from this picture but he was sliding, albeit very slowly because he uses his hands to slow himself down.

On the way out of the park, Craig stopped to watch some pigeons eating rice that someone had thrown on the ground for them. Craig's Dad translated a news story just a few days before this that said the city government has begun giving fines to people who feed pigeons because there's too many of these smelly little birds living in Taipei.

Craig didn't like the pigeons much but he wanted to watch them. He just wanted to watch from the safety of Mum's arms.

Later the same day, Craig went with his Mum to the sandpit in Daan Forest Park again.

He really likes digging in the sand.

Half an hour later, he still liked it.

Why can't I have this much fun every day, he seems to be asking.

It's always good to take a different view on things, don't you reckon?

Especially just before you start throwing sand around.

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