After she covered her face with the bedcovers, Craig went to talk to his Dad.

Strangely, Craig wasn't so energetic when he got downstairs for breakfast.

It was still very windy outside so Craig's parents decided to stay indoors and play putt-putt.
Craig's Dad thinks that, one day in the far-distant future, if Craig becomes a golf star this picture will be used to show that he always had a bright future in the game.

The putt-putt course had a child's putter but Craig preferred one of the big ones.

Some people might think that the putter was a little bit too big because Craig spent most of the time sitting on the ground pushing it around aimlessly while his Mum and Dad played putt-putt. But, Craig's Dad would beg to differ.

This is Craig's Mum on the 6th hole. In the immediate background you can see the 7th. It was a very difficult hole but Craig's Mum did an amazing thing and finished it in two strokes at her first attempt. Hopefully her sporting genes are alive and well inside her son!

Lunch was at a Thai restaurant outside of the hotel.

Craig's Mum is careful to keep Craig's hands as clean as possible at meal times.

After a short after-lunch nap, it was back to the beach.

This time, Craig's Dad dug a hole a little bit closer to the water. As the tide came in waves began to wash around the back of the little sea-wall and into the hole giving Craig some water to play in.

Craig didn't seem to mind, he continued digging away happily.

But it was windy and some clouds came over to cover the sun so he soon got out of his hole to go for a walk.
Dinner was cheap food in the hotel basement.

Craig enjoys cheap toys just as much as expensive ones, just like most kids.

Craig developed a fascination with the hotel elevators. Whenever he saw the elevators he would go and stand next to them and not move for ages. His parents had to spend a lot of time waiting for him to follow them and then they would just have to pick him up and carry him wherever they wanted to go.

Craig had a nice after-dinner snack before bed.

But then he surprised his parents by not sleeping until well after midnight. They still don't know why he didn't fall asleep hours earlier as they expected he would and they probably never will.

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