Craig finds it easier to stay calm if his Mum is nearby.

When other adults speak to him (you can't see the lady in this photo) Craig can forget where he is and enjoy the moment.

He spent some time watching the TV.

And even smiled for the camera!

He didn't mind at all that the toy phone was broken and put it to his ear to talk just the way he would if it was still in one piece.

He really likes playing with phones of any kind.

There's no picture of Craig after he was jabbed with a great big needle in the thigh because his parents were too busy calming him down.
Later that evening, Craig went down to the 2nd floor to say goodbye to Aunty Bess who was heading back to the US the next day. Unfortunately Craig's Dad didn't get any good pictures of the two of them together......

This picture of Craig with his Aunty Suprana came out OK, though. Oops.

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