Craig ate his dessert on the run while Aunty Bess tried to make sure he didn't break anything.

Just doing that kept Aunty Bess pretty busy.

The big event of the day was Uncle Dean's birthday. There was cake for all the big people.

Craig and his cousin Soit-Jade came to see all the adults sing Happy Birthday to Uncle Dean.

Then, Uncle Amitha and Aunty Bess, Uncle Dean and Aunty Suprana, plus Craig's Mum and Dad went to a KTV to celebrate Uncle Dean's birthday properly. As soon as they arrived, Craig decided to help his Mum programme in the songs to be sung.

Craig helped so much that he and his Mum moved away from the computer so that Craig couldn't help quite so much.

Craig sat on his Dad's lap while Aunty Suprana belted out a tune.

And, then Craig sang into a cup.

Craig had a lot of fun at the KTV and he was so lively that almost everyone had to take a turn at looking after him. Aunty Bess was very good at keeping him out of the way while his Mum was singing.

And, while Craig's Dad and Uncle Dean dueted on a now-forgotten tune.....

Craig made sure Aunty Bess wasn't getting into trouble.

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