An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of a very cute boy growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Cold Wet Lunar New Year
The Lunar New Year has been cold and wet every single day. So, it was another cold, wet morning in Taipei and Craig's Mum was at the hospital visiting Craig's Taiwanese Grandad. While waiting for Craig's Dad to make toast for breakfast, Craig watched videos of himself that Craig's Mum had filmed especially for him.
Then, Craig and Craig's Dad went shopping. On the way back they stopped so Craig's Dad could take a picture outside of the campaign office of the DPP presidential candidates Frank Hsieh and Su Tseng-chang. Craig concentrated on eating newly purchased biscuits. He's not much interested in politics.
Craig then visited the ATM nook that he likes so much.
He then began unpacking the shopping a little too early.
It only took a minute to find what he really wanted.
He knew exactly what he wanted and didn't have any trouble taking a small packet of just two biscuits out of the bigger pack to give to his Dad to be opened. Craig's Dad didn't get a picture of what happened next but he was good about picking up the big pack and putting it back in the pram before he received a biscuit.
Back at home Craig helped his Dad with the washing again.
Craig's Dad wanted to take a picture of Uncle Amitha holding the newest member of the Lee family but notice the way Craig has sneaked into the photo! He's a camera hog already!
When Craig first sat down for dinner he looked like he was hungry and wanted to to concentrate on his food.
However, once he'd eaten a bit, Craig began a very unusual conversation with his cousin Soit-Jade.
Another one of Craig's favourite games is playing with the intercom.
Uncle Amitha has learned all about that game.
Meanwhile, Aunty Bess was taking care of her youngest niece.
Because it was the first day of the Lunar New Year and Craig's Grandad was in hospital, everyone trooped off to the hospital to visit. No pictures were taken in the hospital and even the ones taken on the way home weren't very good. This one was just good enough to show how Craig enjoyed walking along with his Taiwanese Grandmother and Dad.
The last picture here was taken one day before the others but it looked so cute that Craig's Dad thought it deserved to be on the blog. Craig reading to Aunty Suprana's dog doesn't happen every day.
A rapidly aging person who spends some of his spare time blogging about his sons. I also spend a lot of time thinking about how to spend all the money I never win on Lotto.
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