He watched a video of himself on a mobile phone that now belongs to him! Yes, that's right folks. Craig owns a mobile phone at one year of age. The SIM card doesn't work so he won't be handing his phone number out to girls any time soon.

It was a rainy day but Craig's Dad decided that Craig needed to get outdoors. Luckily there's an MRT station not far from home that has a nice dry place for Craig to walk along.

It runs the length of the platforms for the trains. It looks quite big compared to someone with legs as short as Craig's.

The next picture was taken at TGI Fridays! Where else would Craig be on a Saturday night at dinner time? He made several members of staff working at Fridays laugh when he looked at the camera and smiled right up until a split-second before the flash went off.

So, Craig's Dad had to try again. This time he got lucky.

Craig became a little bit bored while Craig's Mum was on her way to join Craig and Craig's Dad for dinner. So, Craig's Dad had the idea of taking pictures of both of them with his camera-phone to keep Craig entertained. The first one was no good because Craig's Dad forgot to smile.

Then, Craig did his turn away at the last second trick again!

Finally, a decent picture was taken with both people looking at the camera but they still had to wait a while before Craig's Mum arrived at dinner.

After dinner it was time to drive out to the international airport in Craig's Grandad's big Volvo SUV. Craig had never seen windscreen wipers work before and he giggled every time they wiped the windscreen!

He kept giggling really loudly for about 10 minutes every time the wipers moved.

Craig's Mum made sure Craig had a chance to look around on the way in to the terminal.

This was the first time that Craig had walked around in an international airport.

Craig was happy to see Aunty Bess but he was also very interested in having a look around. There was a lot to see.

As usual, Craig was the center of attention. Even when it was Uncle Amitha and Aunty Bess that had just flown thousands of miles Craig was the person attracting attention..... The world is so unfair.

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