Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pictures Taken with a (Proper) Camera

These pictures were taken in our local TGI Fridays during a Thursday lunch about a month ago. One man sitting at another table named Joseph Liu took the pictures. Thank you Joseph!

Joseph had a really big camera and it seems to have taken much better quality pictures than Craig's Dad's camera-phone.

Sometimes, Craig will cooperate and look at the camera when his picture is being taken but not often. This was one of the few times when he did cooperate.

As usual, the Fridays staff had given Craig a balloon to play with. He likes their balloons quite a lot.

Craig doesn't mind sitting on the floor in public places even if his parents really would rather he didn't.

It must have been at least a month ago that the pics were taken because it has been at least that long since Craig's Dad has worn a short sleeved polo shirt.

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