It was raining outside last Saturday but luckily Craig was able to go downstairs to the second floor flat at lunchtime to play with some relatives.

While the kids were playing in the middle room, Craig's Aunty Jessie (aka Yu-fang) began feeding Craig as well as her two girls.

Craig seemed to like that and ate more than the other two put together.

There was a good little group of kids that spent most of their time playing together happily.

The only minor scuffle was between Craig and his much larger though not older cousin over a basket that had wooden blocks in it. They were fighting for the right to bang the basket on the floor and make noise with with it.

After a stop had been put to the noise-making some great fun was had piling kids on top of each other in various places.

The game was heaps of fun for all involved but Craig's Dad thought it was pretty funny when Craig's Uncle Guapo tried to play and take photos at the same time. He's a very ambitious man.

At one stage Craig's Uncle Guapo tried to escape to another room to take a nap but the kids were having way too much fun to allow that to happen.

The kids really enjoyed this game and since it was raining outdoors there wasn't much else for them to do. It was about as much fun as they could possibily have had on a rainy Saturday.
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