Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kindy Show Follow Up and Saturday Walk With Dad

Craig's Dad forgot to include pictures of two items "made" by Craig in class. The first was this lovely cardboard cutout flowerpot.

The second was a magnificent piece of artwork that is meant to look like Craig's Mum! Can you see the resemblance?

It was labelled very tastefully as well.

On Saturday Craig awoke with the worst hayfever attack he's had in his life. His eyes were constantly watering and his nose wouldn't stop dripping. He was marginally better when taken outside in the "fresh" Taipei air.

While at the park with the big concrete slide, a little girl about nine or ten years old started to play with Craig. She was very motherly and helped him climb up from the short side to the higher side, the way he likes to.

The little lady was also very amused by Craig wanting to slide backwards down the slippery slide. Craig amused himself a bit too. It was good to see him smiling on what was mostly a miserable day.

1 comment:

aunty Bess said...

Good job, Craig!