An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of a very cute boy growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Craig's Kindergarten Puts On A Show
On Tuesday, Craig's kindergarten put on a wonderful little show for the parents of all the children in Craig's class. The schedule that was handed out to the parents before the show began looked pretty imposing to Craig's Dad. And, judging by looks on the face of the parents, hopes were high.
When Craig's Dad walked in there was still half an hour until the show began but the kids were already in their places, sitting (reasonably) quietly. You could tell they excited.
The show started with a song that most of the kids could sing and dance along with.
And continued with more group performances.
The kids were all called up one by one to introduce themselves. Craig was left till last. The teacher allowed the bravest ones up first and Craig is as shy as they come.
Then there was more singing and dancing.
One thing that impressed Craig's Dad greatly was how good the kids were when they weren't directly involved in the action. They all sat very quietly when it was someone else's turn to do something.
On just a few occasions, like the one below involving the little girl in the white jeans, one of the Taiwanese teachers would step in and distract those that were becoming unruly.
Another bit of work for the Taiwanese teachers was that, even when his name was called out, Craig would not move a muscle and would need to be directed to where he was supposed to go. He was good once he was in position but needed a lot of encouragement to get started.
The kids also played a game with flash cards that showed they are developing some ability to recognise words.
Craig's Dad's camera had some trouble before the last song which was a shame because the kids seemed to like it quite a lot.
All in all, the show was very well done. The kids seemed to enjoy it and the parents all took plenty of videos and photos to keep as souvenirs. It was a very happy occasion.
After the show there was plenty of time for the parents and kids to get together and have a chat. Craig looked very, very tired and he was very unhappy when his Dad had to leave.
A rapidly aging person who spends some of his spare time blogging about his sons. I also spend a lot of time thinking about how to spend all the money I never win on Lotto.
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