Transport was provided by Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor or her car to be more precise. The drive down was punctuated by its first stop at Cingshui Service Area. (I don't make the names up folks and I definitely have no influence over the bad English on the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau website. Another description can be found here.) Anyway, Craig likes the slide there and Craig's Dad liked the coffee.

Little did Craig know there was hours of driving to go.

There was a small problem on arrival in Kenting, in that, Craig's Dad had underestimated the travelling time. He had estimated eight hours but they had arrived at the hotel just after midday after a little more than six hours!! Plus, Craig had woken up earlier than expected and rather than try to put him back to sleep, Craig's Mum and Dad had started out on the road at 6:00am, half an hour earlier than the original plan. That left them with plenty of time to kill before they could check into their room at 3:00pm. They spent that time eating a cheap 7-11 lunch and then sitting in the shade on the beach.

This sign appears at the end of the tunnel that takes people from the hotel to the beach. Craig's Dad believes that anyone who can only understand Chinese would not be able to understand its warning.

Eventually the check-in time of 3:00pm rolled around and they could get into the room. Craig was immediately dressed for the beach and he and Craig's Dad headed for the sand while Craig's Mum stayed in the room to rest.

On the beach, Craig resisted all attempts to actually go in the water.

Craig was happy to just while away his time using his favourite plastic rake to put sand into his bucket.

The tiny waves were far too big for Craig to go anywhere near them.

He's very cautious about the ocean.
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