During the walk Craig stopped to play with bubbles being blown by some kids in the open area around Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall.

On Saturday, Craig was once again packed up into the car seat in Great Aunt From the Fifth-Floor's car and this time he was taken to Hsinchu. Once there, they met with Craig's Mum's friend Yating, her husband and their two little children. The eldest, goes to a school with a very long name, National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park. Craig's Mum's friends thought that it would be a good idea to let the kids play at the school and they were right.

The three kids played very happily in the sand giving the adults plenty of time to chat.

Not far away from the sandpit was a huge jungle gym but Craig only used one slide. Recently Craig has begun playing a new game where he hang by his hands. On this day, for the first time that Craig's Dad can remember, his hands slipped and Craig fell. Luckily he fell on the top of the slide and slid down doing little damage. A quick hug and a kiss-it-better and he was fine.

After playing for what seemed like hours, the kids had a break for snacks.

Then, it was back to the sandpit for more fun.

Craig became very amused by the young girl's game of pretending that cups of sand were cups of food especially when it was meant to be chocolate.

It made Craig giggle for ages.
After his giggling fit, Craig bemused everyone by trying to eat some of the sand when he was given a cup! Perhaps he thought it would truly taste like chocolate.

After spending almost all afternoon in the sandpit and on the slides, not long before sunset, the little party set off for a walk around a nearby lake. It was a lovely setting and Craig had a surprising amount of energy, running all the way around.

There's no pictures of the very nice dinner that Craig's Mum's friends paid for and neither is there a picture of a very, very tired Craig falling asleep almost instantly after being strapped into his car seat for the drive home.
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