Despite the weather being windy it was very warm and just right for the pool, so long as plenty of sunblock had been applied. Craig was well covered, as was Craig's Mum who had once again borrowed Craig's Dad's spare rashie.

Craig never allowed himself to be put in water deep enough to test the flotation of the swimsuit. He was happiest when he could sit in a couple of inches of water rather than stand and he would get very upset if any water splashed in his face!

After another cheap lunch, Craig was on the beach in the afternoon. Craig's Dad forgot to take more than one picture, everyone was having too much fun. Once again Craig refused to go in the water. He cried loudly when his parents tried to play a game in the water that he loved the last time they were on this beach.

But he was pretty tired right after coming back to the room, and was obviously in need of food.

That meant they spent a little more money than they intended to on dinner because they stopped at the very first place they came to on the main street. At least it had seats with a view.

Craig didn't care about that, he was just happy that the place had Craig's favourite food, chips!

Very soon after arriving back in the room Craig was asleep but not before he insisted on putting on his floaties. He likes them because they have Nemo (yes, the clownfish) on them.

While Craig slept a bird make its home for the night out on the balcony but this was the best picture Craig's Dad could get ..... bit sad really. Plus, it was just a very ordinary looking pigeon.

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