This time Craig decided that Craig's Dad looked too comfortable lying down on a bench and sat on his Dad before bouncing up and down!

After lunch it was off to the normally quiet little park that has one of Craig's favourite jungle gyms. On this day, construction noise from just across the street was very loud and Craig occasionally became scared and needed a hug.

While Craig climbed, Craig's Mum checked out stock prices.

There were thousands of these little red beetles running around in the park. They were such a bright colour that even Craig's Dad was smart enough to not touch them.

But while Craig's Dad took pictures of the bugs, Craig became bored on the slide.

So, another (quieter) park was sought out. It had a cute little steering wheel that Craig had a go at.

Craig's cousins Soit-Jade and Yu-chi joined him at this park and that added to the fun. Yu-chi liked the steering wheel, too.

Craig's Dad liked the jungle gym in this park because there was nowhere on it that a child could fall to the ground from a height without doing something extremely unusual.

The three kids all had fun on this slide.

Three rocking animals, three kids! What could be better?

It's no surprise that Craig sat on the blue one.

Craig's Dad cooked dinner that night, which is most unusual. Craig wasn't too fond of the pasta that he was served however, so he had an apple for dessert. He didn't have any trouble finishing it either.

Craig's Dad also had dessert, tinned assorted fruit and vanilla ice-cream.

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