It's slightly wider when it continues on the other side of Zhongxiao E. Rd.

Eventually it leads to a park!

After occupying the top of the small plastic slide Craig became annoyed when another boy occupied the top of a bigger slide in the same park! He even put his knee into the back of the boy at one stage trying to move him along. It really was a bit rude.

Soon, he had the slide all to himself.
But, in Taiwan you're never alone for long. Craig's cousins Soit-Jade and Yu-chi plus their mum and dad came to play.
After a while they moved on to a park that was big enough to have a name, Songde Park 松德公園.

Naturally, there was a slide, and just as naturally, there was competition to use it.
Craig also had fun on a rocking horse. He especially likes the blue ones.

Soit-Jade tried to feed Craig some grass she had picked ... not really, she was just pretending.

Yu-chi went to pick some grass as well.

Not too far away in the park, a man appeared with a pet tortoise and a big bucket of lettuce.

The three children walked over to have a look but on the way Yu-chi found some water to play with in the footholds of a jungle gym. She splashed away there quite happily while her father (Craig's Uncle Guapo) and Craig's Dad both took pictures.

The man waved at Craig's Dad as if to say, "Don't take pictures" when he saw Craig's Dad's camera but the shutter finger must have slipped because there's a picture of the man with his pet right here.

The group then continued to walk around. The footpaths in this part of town are nice and wide plus some of them are blocked off to traffic making it a pleasure to walk around with the kiddies.

The little group went inside BoAi Elementary School 博愛國小 where there was a jungle gym clearly meant for bigger kids. However, Craig insisted on climbing up the rope ladder. He managed that with no trouble at all. He's becoming quite a good climber.

On the other side of the jungle gym was a chain ladder that looked even more difficult to climb but Soit-Jade did it easy.

So, Craig insisted on having a go.

He did very well.

Even if Craig's Mum wasn't game to move away and let him climb by himself.

There was more playing on yet another jungle gym inside the same school. (It's tiring just writing about it but the kids had a great time.)

There was a long jump sand pit beside this jungle gym and Craig had to sit down there and have a scratch around.

Craig's Dad tried to lie down on the slide to rest his legs a bit but Craig sooned spoiled that plan!!

Finally, it was time to troop off towards home for dinner.

After dinner there were some friendly scuffles on the bedroom floor.

Then, the two girls went to have their evening bath. Craig sat outside the bathroom door and tried to peak in through a hole in the door's vent! Craig's Mum laughed a lot at that.

Craig, a likely reason the guy's waving U off taking a pic may be this: It looked like an endangered species of tortoise he's keeping.
That golden shell with spiky limbs resembled the protected golden shell tortoise kind!
No wonder! ;-)
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