While waiting for lunch, Craig played with his cousin Soit-Jade. Some friendly wrestling occurred on Craig's Dad's lap ......

and then on the floor. Soit-Jade was the clear winner.

Craig found some protection!
And, he giggled a lot the next time he lost his feet.

In the afternoon, everyone piled into two cars and went to the beach at Jin Sha Wan (which would be Golden Sand Bay if you translated the name word for word.)

It was a bit cooler on the beach than it had been back at home but still a great place to dig in the sand.

Not long after they arrived, a cloud came overhead and a sunshower began!! Craig was well protected thanks to Uncle Guapo's golf umbrella.

Thankfully, the rain never became heavy and it soon stopped. Craig's cousin Soit-Jade and her sister Yu-chi both had a good time digging in the sand as well.

Then Craig started to kick a ball around with Craig's Mum!

They had a good time but soon Craig's Mum took over the camera.
Craig now has these two videos on one of his mobile phones and he watches them all the time.
After the football there was more digging in the sand, this time close to the water's edge.

The hole is so big because Craig's Uncle Guapo helped them a lot.

It had been a really good afternoon of fun in the sun and it was no surprise when a tired little boy needed a nap on the way home.
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