Craig's Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor was the first to try and feed Craig.

Naturally, Craig's Mum did the majority of the work of feeding the boy.

Craig's high chair was being used by his younger cousin.

There was plenty of chatting among the women while the eating went on.

Yes folks, that's a chicken's foot in Craig's Mum's bowl.

Craig played with some flash cards for teaching English. A sure sign that Aunty Suprana used to live here.

Craig also ate plenty of fruit while watching TV.

He even had a quick chat to Craig's Taiwanese Grandmother.

Then, it was time for Aunty Jessie to feed Craig's cousin Soit-Jade some medicine. She had the flu.

Then it was time to head to the small park near home.

There was one boy who has played with Craig before who was very keen to play with Craig again. He rocked the rocking animal and made Craig giggle like mad. But, he made Craig a bit nervous.

Since it was much too early to go straight home, Craig and his parents went to another little park after a short trip on the MRT.

There were other children there in abundance when Craig arrived.

But, they all soon left and Craig had the slide all to himself.

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