Craig is normally quite possessive when playing with a ball. He will only throw it to Craig's Mum or Craig's Dad.

Craig played very happily in the pool with his Mum and Dad for almost an hour. Eventually, Craig's Mum and Dad took him down to the beach where it was beautifully warm and sunny.

There were quite a few families on the beach.

Craig had plenty of digging gear.

Craig's Dad was secretly digging a big hole underneath Craig. Somehow, this was happening without Craig noticing even though he was slowly sliding into it!

When Craig's Mum swapped places so she could be in a picture Craig had become aware of what was happening because he had fallen in the hole.

After dinner Craig was back in the play area for some more fun.

This time he had some company.

Life is more fun when there is someone else to play with.

Craig began singing his favourite "vee-ah, vee-ah" song which he normally reserves for when he's feeling good about life.
The next day at breakfast Craig didn't want to sit in the highchair that had been provided for him and he wouldn't sit still on the chair beside Craig's Mum either.

Craig is capable of sitting in a normal chair and eating a meal without needing to be strapped down but this was not one of those occasions.

After breakfast, Craig's Mum and Dad were informed that their flight home had been cancelled. That meant what would have been a 90-minute trip was made much longer. Instead, a 150-minute bus ride was followed by some waiting at the High Speed Rail station and then a 90-minute train ride to Taipei, a change of trains to the MRT before finally arriving home around five hours after leaving the hotel in Kenting.
After all of that, Craig and Craig's Dad went to Fridays for dinner while Craig's Mum went off to a protest about the government.