Back at home later, Craig was bored. His Mum had her nose stuck in a book of Sudoku puzzles and his Dad was reading a magazine!! He had to interrupt one of them and he chose Dad.

Even when he was playing by himself his toys suffered.

In the early evening there was dinner at TGI Fridays but even that didn't make Craig as happy as it had done in the past. He stared out the window at the view and ate plenty but was not in the mood to dance in his chair or have fun the way he had done in previous visits.

And, when he decided he wanted to leave, he left no-one in any doubt that he thought it was time to go.

But, on the way home, Craig's Mum put him down on his feet on a nice smooth part of the footpath and that had a really good effect on Craig. He decided that he could walk!!

He wasn't very steady and insisted on holding his Mum's hand but people walking past were very encouraging.

And Craig could not have been happier.

He never turned to look at the camera and his Mum had to guide him in the right direction but he walked about 50 metres! It was a fine effort.

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