Then, Brian arrived on his bicycle just as a truck was reversing out of the alley. Craig seemed to sense that Brian was there and turned around to look at just the right time but Brian was hidden behind the truck!! It raised the question of whether Craig might possess extra-sensory powers.
Brian is only 14 or 15 but he's as tall as Craig's Dad. He was much better at table tennis than Craig's Mum and Dad but was very polite about just hitting the ball back softly so they could have some fun. While he and Craig's Mum played table tennis Craig practiced standing and walking.

He used the seat as a drum for a while. He likes to play that game a lot. And, he's quite confident standing on his own two feet but prefers to have something to lean on. His Dad thinks he'll be walking by himself very soon.

Later that night Craig and his parents went to Macaroni Grill for dinner. It's a really nice restaurant and the food, service and everything about the place is likable. But it doesn't have high-chairs for little people and Craig just wasn't in the mood to sit quietly and eat. So, his parents had to ask the friendly staff to put half of dinner in a box and take it away. Such are the joys of parenthood.

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