That's Craig's Dad's way of warning people that there are a lot of pictures to look at here.
Last Thursday, was a day off for Craig's Dad. The day began with breakfast in a local breakfast shop while Craig's Mum went to the hospital with Craig's Taiwanese Grandfather.

When they went back home Craig spent some time trying to squeeze between the bar fridge and a footstool to get at Dad's CDs. Craig's Dad had to move the fridge to stop him squeezing through. Craig didn't like that.

Lunch was at a cafe in a local mall.

Then, Craig's Mum joined Craig and his Dad and the three of them went to a nearby park. As usual, Craig was an attraction for the other kids.

He makes friends wherever he goes.

Boys and girls all like him, and more worryingly, want to touch him.

But, generally speaking, if Craig's parents ask nicely, the children will keep their hands to themselves and just look.

Eventually Craig crawled off to play by himself.

He was quite determined to crawl up this slide.

But it was a bit steep for him and he slid back a couple of times.

He didn't mind though. He just had fun wherever he finished up.

After one last ride on the rocking horse.....

It was time for dinner at TGI Fridays!! Craig started the evening by taking a long look at the view, as usual.

Craig ate plenty of fish again. He seems to really like the fish at Fridays. No matter whether Mum or Dad feeds him, he will eat about one-third of a piece of fish meant for an adult! His appetite has been very good recently.

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